0 Jan 16, 2015 - Happy National Mentoring Month!
In honor of national mentoring month, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the gift of mentoring. Hardly a day goes by without me quoting one of mentors. Some of my favorite quotes include: "When one door closes another door opens.” "Success is taking the potential you were born with and living up to it!” "You can’t do your best swan dive while replaying in your mind your last belly flop.” So today, I want to honor my mentor Dr. Jan Northup. Jan was one of the most talented (and giving) women I have ever known and I will be forever grateful for her taking me under her wing. Jan made it a habit of finding the best in others and the positive out of a negative situation. I invite you to celebrate National Mentoring Month by taking a moment to thank your mentors for their wisdom, guidance and generosity! Also, pay forward your own good fortune by offering to mentor another.
0 Aug 13, 2014 - Wellness in the Workplace
Much has been written about wellness in the workplace and the innovative ways employers are getting their employees to move more, make healthier food choices and take initiative over their own preventative care. The state of our bodies and minds can be an accurate barometer of our professional success and personal happiness. Personally, when I am eating right, exercising and just making good choices, I have tons of energy and my mind is clear and focused. One of the best ways to enhance your own personal wellness is to commit to a plan with the very people that you spend the majority of your day with - your colleagues. That is exactly what Kerry Elam (a new consultant with TTC) did. In fact, her initiative was highlighted in this month’s Corporate Wellness Magazine. Kerry started a simple interactive initiative within her own organization that resulted in some very positive lifestyle changes and results for her co-workers. Her plan was simple and focused on encouraging small manageable daily changes to each individual’s current lifestyle. The changes resulted in weight loss as well as an increased feeling of fitness and wellbeing among her colleagues. Enhancing health and fitness can be fun - especially when you are surrounded and encouraged by those around you who are also committed to their health and overall wellbeing. Whether taking a walk with a co-worker during a break, or committing to packing healthier options for lunch, you will begin to see how these small changes are making you healthier and happier. Kathy’s top 7 tips for investing in your wellness: Start your day with a healthy breakfast and warm water with lime. Choose a glass of fresh water or green tea over soda or coffee. Avoid fast-food restaurants and fried food. Take a yoga class. Practice deep breathing techniques. Re-energize with plenty of sleep. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. For more on Kerry’s initiative, visit Corporate Wellness Magazine
0 May 05, 2014 - Happy Spring!
As many of you know, spring is my most favorite time of year! Spring reminds me of new beginnings and renewal and this spring in particular has been one of my most promising and productive! We are amidst of rolling out a number of new products at TTC and I am very excited about the launch of a new virtual mentoring event in the coming months. First, we have been doing quite a bit of writing. We are about to roll out our new and improved Mentor-the-Mentor series and have designed four fabulous handouts to accompany our revised and enhanced sessions; Asking Thought Provoking Questions Designing Developmental Experiences Giving Productive Feedback Sharing Wisdom Also, keep an eye out for the 2nd edition of The Keys to Mentoring Success. While making the updates, it was gratifying to see that the best practices that were laid out over a decade ago are still relevant today. However, with so many employees teleworking from home or working from remote sites we are finding the need to provide additional resources for long-distance mentoring. We are also excited to announce our anticipated launch of a Virtual Speed Mentoring Event. We are teaming with Brazen Careerists and have designed a platform that allows mentorees and potential mentors to chat virtually about a number of topics that will allow participants to get to know each other before making their matching choices. TTC is also happy to share some exciting new beginnings and announcements on a personal level. Melissa Hennen (my first full time trainer and facilitator) will be getting married in October of this year and Sarah Legros just became engaged (she is looking toward next spring to tie the knot). In addition, Kristy Atkins will be welcoming her second bundle of joy in the fall! These are exciting and happy times for TTC! Each day I am filled with gratitude to be able to be able work with such a talented team and do work that helps people grow personally and professionally. I hope we can find ways to pay this success forward!
0 Jan 06, 2014 - Happy New Year!
January is an exciting time of year. As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season comes to a close, a new year is ushered in that always fills me with excitement and a promise of an even better year to come. I always find this time of year the perfect opportunity to reflect on the many blessings that the past year has brought to Team TTC as well as the challenges that we have individually and collectively overcame. My team has been very resilient this year as some have experienced some personal losses but during these challenging times we have all gained some wonderful lessons on strength and grace. As you reflect on your own journey over the past year and plan the goals that you would like to achieve in the coming months, I invite you to create a Vision Board to help clarify those goals and expectations. This has been a ritual of mine for many years and I am always amazed at how my dreams and aspirations really do become reality. Creating a vision board is simple. It is all about compiling images and affirmations that you would like to become reality. It can be as simple as cutting out pictures that represent what you want for yourself and putting them together on a poster board or even a piece of paper. The one I created is framed and sits at my desk. It is a constant reminder of what I continue to work for and strive to be personally and professionally. As you prepare to set your own vision and goals for 2014, plan to focus on the details. Goals are great to establish, but realizing them is all about the process of completing each and every step along the way. This is where the journey begins. My wish for you is a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014!!! Enjoy the journey, Kathy