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  • 0 VA ORD EPA Benchmarking Event

    • by Eileen Marshall
    • 04-16-2018

    As part of any successful mentoring program, offering participants unique and valuable opportunities for growth is paramount.  In their ongoing series of Benchmarking events, the VA ORD mentoring program participants are doing just that by partnering with other organizations to learn about their mentoring programs.  Benchmarking is a continuous learning process which involves the sharing of knowledge inside and outside an organization, or among organizations. Through this process, mentored employees can learn how other organizations are implementing mentoring and other programs for positive change.   This Benchmarking session was a collaboration between the mentoring programs of the VA ORD and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – the Leaders and Learner Mentoring Program (LLMP) which spans a variety of EPA offices and regions.  This Benchmarking event was held at the Washington, DC EPA offices and attended by nine VA ORD mentoring participants and the program coordinator, Rebecca Crawford.  Brian Twillman, from EPA’s Office of the Administrator, served as the lead presenter and facilitator for EPA, providing a history and broad overview of the EPA’s mentoring efforts and initiatives over the years.  Several other EPA LLMP Program Coordinators, including Allen Maples, Lorraine Butler, Lisa Treadwell, Jack Naylor and George Hammer also fielded questions from attendees.    Brian kicked off the session with an overview of the EPA LLMP mission, program parameters, funding details and information about the overall diversity of the program participants.  Brian also covered EPA LLMP future plans – to build a robust situational mentoring cadre and to further develop supervisory engagement and support.  A lengthy and dynamic Q&A period followed, with VA ORD participants asking questions regarding overall employee satisfaction, leadership buy-in, program resources available to participants and program successes.   Brian also shared a few best practices for ensuring and sustaining the success of any mentoring program.  For example, there must be leadership support and it must be demonstrated and communicated often.  Maryann Petrole, a senior executive and champion of the program since its initial launch, attributed the success of the program to “the superb collaboration and teamwork provided by the LLMP Program Coordinators.” She went on to say that, “the LLMP was the best run developmental program in the Agency.” While there must be an attitude of partnership as a skill that can be learned at any level, it is essential that these skills be exemplified and displayed among the program coordinators as it is essential to the ongoing success of the formal program.  Bryan Bloomer, an active mentor in the program, also shared that from a supervisor and mentor point of view, “the mentoring program offers a safe place to explore career goals and aspirations, develop relationships of trust, attend networking events and explore organization to enhance engagement and satisfaction.”   Finally, two participants from the EPA LLMP provided their testimony regarding their experience as a mentee and a mentor, Patricia Hemmer, a mentee, appreciated being matched with an SES mentor and took full advantage of the program’s resources, to include online tools, trainings and her mentor’s personal availability.  Mentor David Meredith, who had just returned from providing hurricane relief in Puerto Rico, said the program structure contributes to its success, with enough latitude to personalize mentoring experience. David also stressed how the DISC assessment has been helpful and has changed the way he interacts with those inside and outside EPA.   Two main take-aways from the session debrief that really piqued the interest of the VA ORD mentees: the EPA LLMP allows mentees to repeat participation in the program; and the EPA also has online resource tools that connect participants to available developmental details.       

  • 0 Mining for Tip and Technique Gems You Can Use Today

    Perhaps one of the most valuable benefits offered by being involved with a mentor is the opportunity to learn pragmatic tips and techniques that can help you do your job better.  Certainly, anyone entering into a mentoring relationship does so hoping to improve personally and professionally.  Long-term goals, five-year plans, and skills and career development goals all tend to find their way into action plans that help define the bigger learning needs.  But what about the microlearning needs?  Examining every aspect of your program goals helps shape your plans for navigating a mentoring partnership throughout the program’s course.  Addressing these elements helps you identify topics of conversation and potential activities to help you attain your longer-term goals.  But wouldn’t it be great to be able to take something back with you from each meeting?  Something that you can immediately apply to your job.  Some of that just-in-time learning that helps solve a current need so you can be more productive, or more effective at completing your current tasks.  Discover the not-so-big-secret by simply paying attention to your day-to-day tasks, and work small bits into your short-term plans: Create a meeting agenda.  Your agenda should be a staple element of each meeting with your mentor.  When you work on your agenda, include time for discussion on your overall goals, status or follow-up on your current activities, and a little time devoted to strengthening your partnership connection. Now, add a few minutes to mine one small nugget of knowledge from your mentor; something that you can take back to the desk, field, or customer site simply by considering the things you do day-to-day. Focus on one skill you can take back to your job.  Think of the “little” things that you do on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis.  Using MS Excel to track progress or calculate project costs, for example.  Was there some issue you were having with creating a more effective formula or approach to completing tasks there?  Examples of how to improve skills with software tools are endless; and you don’t always need to take a full-fledged class to make gains.  Many mentors have skills with a variety of software tools that you are currently using; you could benefit from their experience. The possibilities extend well beyond software tools.  Many occupations require the use and application of hardware or technology, some involve developing skills for customer interaction, and every job benefits from improving communication skills.  Almost everyone can think of a situation they’ve been in where they wondered, “How do I ask this person something about what I need in the best way possible?”  For example, “What’s the best way to ask my supervisor for more responsibility.”   “Better feedback on how I am doing.” Or “Help with a troublesome task.” Ask your mentor for advice.  Asking for help with something that might seem trivial to you is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of ability or motivation.  Certainly, you can do the homework and figure out many issues on your own.  But sooner or later, everyone runs into a snag that can be simply resolved by asking someone else for their thoughts.  In the end, a little insight often helps resolve a smaller issue that might be holding you back from taking the next step toward a bigger goal, or it might just help you simplify a common task and make your day go just a little bit smoother.  

  • 0 VA ORD Speed Networking

    • Training
    • by Eileen Marshall
    • 04-10-2018

    One of the most rewarding parts of being involved in facilitating and helping to sustain mentoring programs is the opportunity to watch innovation become reality and produce results.  Mentoring Program Managers and Coordinators are constantly challenged to motivate their participants and offer them opportunities for growth, both personally and professionally.  That’s why working with Rebecca Crawford at the Veterans Affairs, Office of Research and Development (VA ORD) has become synonymous for me with being on “the cutting edge” of mentoring program design! I was fortunate enough to be part a Speed Networking event that was Rebecca’s brainchild – an event that brought mentees from multiple federal agencies and organizations together at the National Press Club. What is “Speed Networking,” you might ask?  Speed Networking is a fast-paced and powerful way to cultivate strategic relationships!  It’s unique, interactive and encourages participants to make impactful introductions and build respect and rapport among their peers – outside their own agency. It also creates a wonderful ripple effect, because participants leave feeling rejuvenated and energized, eager to share their experience with others in their own organization. This event was facilitated by Pam King, a gifted and engaging facilitator with The Training Connection, Inc. who kept the participants on track to make as many connections as time would allow.  Pam also offered a brief introduction about honing your “elevator speech,” and making the most of the few minutes participants would have to add to their sphere of influence. Rebecca is one of those Program Coordinators who not only wants the best for her mentoring program participants, but really invests in cultivating and nurturing her mentees with pioneering, meaningful opportunities.  Special thanks to Mentoring Program Managers Brian Twillman (Environmental Protection Agency), Cheryl Harley (Department of Homeland Security), Sabrina Clark (Veterans Affairs) and Jane Sanville (Executive Women in Government) for their assistance in the recruitment of participants for this exciting event.

  • 0 Phyllis is Enjoying Retirement!

    When I started work at TTC we had a Team Building session within our office and Kathy had us all do a Vision Board. I had never heard of this and when she explained the purpose I was let's say, “skeptical.”  However, as time went on sure enough the pictures and words I put on my Vision Board started to become reality!  So, fast forward about 7 years or so when I felt it was time to retire, Kathy suggested that I update my Vision Board since so much had already happened. So, I did, because I wanted some different things and there were still some that had not happened yet.  Well, I am still amazed that most of what is on my board is once again:  a reality.  We have been able to travel and spend much time with our family and friends.  My son married a wonderful woman and we now have another grandbaby on the way. We purchased a fifth wheel camper and can load up the motorcycle and hit the road any time we want to.  I volunteer at the Fauquier Hospital Gift Shop one day a week.  The saying, “I don't know when I had time to work" is so true!!! I am so blessed to be married to my best friend for 46 years and look forward to celebrating 50 years and beyond!!!!

  • 0 The Pareto Principle: Maximize Efficiency with the 80/20 Rule

    There has been much written and researched about the Pareto Principle; a theory about productivity and efficiency and pea pods, discovered over 100 years ago by Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto. His work focused on the distribution of wealth in society, where he observed that 80% of the wealth and income was produced and possessed by 20% of the population.  What was most fascinating about Pareto’s work was that this 80/20 distribution turns up everywhere.  Pareto even saw this rule occurring in his garden - 20% of his pea pods contained 80% of the peas.  He came up with a guiding principle for, well, everything:   80% of the outputs are the results of 20% of the inputs.   So, it seems it’s been scientifically proven that effort, reward and output do not directly correlate with each other.  A certain minority of activities result in the majority of the outcomes. For example, who hasn’t been involved in a group project where 2-3 of the people do 80 percent of the work?  Interestingly, this principle also says that individuals and organizations are spending 80% of their efforts to accomplish 20% of their results.    How can this simple principle be exploited to the very best advantage? The key is to put the maximum effort in areas that will gain the most return.  Stop and think about the areas of your life that could benefit from the Pareto Principle.  Ask yourself:   Do you own at least five amazing suits, but 80% of the time or more you grab the same one or two? Do you have 10-15 rooms in your home, but spend 80% of your time in just your bedroom, family room, and kitchen? Do you have 50 different mobile apps on your smart phone, but 80% of the time you are only using about 10?   The fact is, there are opportunities for efficiency in every area of your life.  And the best part is, because it’s something you have control over, it’s something you can improve.   So how can you apply Pareto’s principle to increase your return on your time/energy/money investment?  Many professionals are constantly faced with the challenge of limited resources. Instead of trying to do the impossible, a Pareto approach is to truly understand which projects are most important. What are the most important goals of your organization, or boss, and which specific tasks do you need to focus on to align with those goals? What tasks can you delegate or let go? This can also be applied to your personal life. Concentrate on those areas that provide you with a happy and healthy lifestyle and meaningful relationships.  

  • 0 Passing the Torch

    • by Administrator
    • 03-20-2018

    TTC recently had the honor of participating in the celebration of USPTO Mentoring Program Manger Rosie Saberton’s retirement!  It was bittersweet to say goodbye to Rosie, as her passion and dedication to mentoring at USPTO has been nothing short of legendary! But we are very excited that she has passed the torch to Kathy Camou, who has been named the new Mentoring Program Manager. Kathy is well prepared for her new role and has learned from one of the best mentors out there!   We wish Rosie heartfelt happiness as she begins her new and exciting journey, and look forward to many more successful mentoring programs at USPTO with Kathy at the helm.

  • 0 Speak your Kind

    • by Administrator
    • 03-20-2018

    Earlier this month, TTC held their annual team building session at the Montclair Country Club with this year’s theme of "Speak your Kind.” The morning session was hosted by author, life coach and wellness expert, Kerry Alison Wekelo who provided an engaging and interactive presentation about "What Makes a Great day.”  She shared her 6 Daily Principles for a Great Day and how mindfulness can enhance every moment both personally and professionally.   During the afternoon, Team TTC shared successes from the past year and their goals for 2018. The also discussed their DISC styles with one another and reaffirmed their best practices for communication and collaboration.  TTC looks forward to this session each year as it reinforces their strong inter-office relationships and re energizes their commitment to the TTC mission - all while having fun in the process! 

  • 0 Encourage the Study of DISC Work Styles as Part of the Employee Experience

    • by Administrator
    • 03-20-2018

    Forbes Magazine said that one of the four biggest HR trends to watch out for in 2018 is heavy focus on the employee experience. The attention will be directed toward what the employee journey looks like within an organization. They will also concentrate on how leaders connect the dots between organizational culture, employee engagement and performance management. Differences in work and communication style have much to do with the way professional relationships develop and, in turn, the way employee performance, satisfaction and team success unfold. Join Kathy and Jennifer at the next DISC Train-the-Trainer (March 8-9, 2018) to learn the science behind DISC and gain insights to better communication and higher productivity.

  • 0 DCAA

    • by Administrator
    • 03-20-2018

    Earlier this month, Kathy and fellow-facilitator (and TTC strategic partner) Nicole Champlin had the pleasure of conducting a Train-the-Trainer event with the folks at the Defense Contract and Audit Agency (DCAA) in Atlanta. Kathy and Nicole worked with seven DCI instructors who came from a variety of professional disciplines including law enforcement, education, military, and EMT. Kathy and Nicole were grateful for the wisdom and experiences the instructors shared and are confident they will do a great job facilitating the mentoring process in-house at DCAA. 

  • 0 Women's History Month 2017

    • by Administrator
    • 03-20-2018

    As we wrap up Women’s History Month, I am inspired to say thank you to the wonderful trailblazers in my life who have mentored me both on a formal and informal basis. Olive Burns (aka Nana) — My grandmother was a "Rosie the Riveter” during World War II when men went off to war and women went into the factories. I truly believe that the tenacity of women like my grandmother has greatly contributed to the empowerment of women to this day! Barbara Fife — My mother was a teacher and a day care provider as long as I can remember. We always had a home full of children and my mother nurtured them, gave them a sense of structure and rules to follow, and of course showered them with plenty of love. Their parents could work with assurance, knowing that their children were in a safe and comforting place. When she wasn’t caring for children from our home, she provided day care through a special state-sponsored program that allowed single mothers to send their children to a safe environment where they could grow and flourish. I feel like my mother is an unsung hero who helped raise a lot of children, and in turn helped their parents invest themselves in their careers because they knew their children were safe and genuinely cared for. But her work didn’t stop there. Well after retirement she volunteered at her church, caring for infants and toddlers during church services, giving their parents a much-needed break and an opportunity to strengthen their spirituality. Dr. Jan Northup — My first mentor. Jan was the first person to help me realize that women needed to help each other grow personally and professionally. Her motto was: "Women helping women.” She developed a wonderful training program entitled, The Promotable Woman: What Makes the Difference? Jan inspired many individuals and organizations to think not only about the technical skills that set them apart, but the interpersonal skills that made the difference. She also taught me the power of mentoring and recommended that every woman attending her sessions should find a mentor. Jennifer Sellers — My Vice President. Jennifer came into a one-person business with a passion for helping people and the dexterity of a true multitasker. She helped me build TTC into a business that is known throughout the federal government and private industry. Jennifer is particularly well-known as a mentoring match maker and troubleshooter. She has traveled the country facilitating the matching process with amazing results. The stories we hear from past program participants who have prospered in their careers because of their mentoring relationships would warm your hearts and touch your souls! Honestly, I could go on and on extolling the virtues of trailblazing women I have had the pleasure to work with and observe in my personal and professional life. For now, I feel satisfied with thanking the smart, talented, and savvy women of The Training Connection who are investing their time and energy to help others grow personally and professionally through mentoring:  Jennifer Sellers  Trisha Milligan  Alison Sfreddo  Corinna Natale  Sarah Cubbage  Kristy Atkins  Melissa Uzzo  Staci Weekes  Nicole Bridge  Gina Becton All of these women, and more, have made me a better person by helping me grow in body, mind, and soul. As a thank you, I try to carry a piece of them all with me every day, and share the experience of their wisdom with others.

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